The New South Wales Cancer Council is the peak source of information and supportive care services. For more information call ph. 13 11 20 or go to:
Other useful links include:
Look Good…Feel Better program. Website states its “mission is to help improve the wellbeing and confidence of people undergoing treatment for any sort of cancer. We do this by providing free information and workshops for women, men and teens to help manage the appearance-related side-effects that may be caused by cancer treatment.” For more information go to:
YMCA Encore program. Website states “YWCA Encore is a free 8 week exercise program designed specifically for women who have experienced breast cancer and mastectomy, lumpectomy or breast reconstruction surgery at any time in their lives. Based around floor and pool exercises and relaxation techniques, it is safe, fun and therapeutic”. Phone 1800 305 150* or email [email protected] *Free call from fixed phones in Australia, for calls from mobiles please use 02 6230 5150. For more information go
Donating Hair to Support Women with Cancer To donate your hair to support real hair wigs see
it’s about us is all about helping those who have been affected by cancer. Every person’s cancer journey is unique and trying to leave a legacy of memories during a difficult time may be too overwhelming.
“It’s about us” has developed a digital scrapbook for you to customise and create something relevant and meaningful. Providing inspiration through simple, personalised template style pages will allow you to capture your memories, emotions and feelings, through text and photos within a supported framework.