Your Clinical Psychologist will work with you to identify your concerns and develop strategies to deal with these. Strategies involve non-drug techniques and interventions typically last 3 to 1o sessions; sessions are spaced according to your need.
It can be helpful to list your goals before you come along to the first appointment to help you and your clinician formulate an intervention plan. This may involve further contact with your clinician, as well as information and links with other services and resources that may be of assistance.
Most people approach a Clinical Psychologist because they are keen for change in their life. These changes may concern managing with health changes, emotional issues, such as improving well-being, gaining confidence, reducing distress, anxiety, or anger, and managing moods. Changes may also concern more practical issues, such as enhancing performance at work or home, improving relationships, changing habits, or making the most of your abilities and potential.Your clinician will work with you to identify and understand the complex factors which affect your life, goals and change, and then work with you to develop helpful ways to deal with life stresses and achieve your goals and desires. This may include problem solving, living a life in line with your values, and altering unhelpful patterns of thoughts or behaviours to create new more adaptive, helpful strategies. Intervention aims to develop and refine your skills to equip you to be confident in navigating challenges that you may face.
The length and frequency of contact varies and will depend upon your situation, goals, and your resources available to you to invest to best meet your goals. We aim to be practical and solution-focused; expectations for contact will be regularly discussed with your clinician. Many clients will identify their main concerns and goals in the first appointment and a proposed intervention plan will be discussed with their clinician: this may involve a number of regular appointments to develop particular skills, with appointments becoming more spaced over time as the client practices and consolidates changes. Of course personal situations may change, and appointment may be spaced more closely or apart to best meet your needs.
Our service and professional conduct is detailed in our Client Charter.