Clinical and Consulting Psychology Services

We provide confidential counselling, psychological interventions and support to clients dealing with a range of emotional and health concerns

Everyone experiences various concerns at different times in their lives. How we deal with these will affect the nature and extent of the impact they have on ourselves and those close to us. While you may have never previously imagined seeking counselling, past clients have found that accessing information and strategies to help deal with concerns can be very beneficial.

Common concerns client seek help with include:

  • Dealing with changes to one’s health and lifestyle
  • Worry, anxiety, stress and phobias
  • Depression/low mood
  • Chronic pain, fatigue and sleep difficulties
  • Enhancing relationships and communication
  • Intimacy, body image and sexual concerns
  • Living with loss and grief

Please see For Clients to learn more about how we can help.

We all have different levels of awareness and knowledge about emotional well-being and mental health concerns, and the Australian Psychological Society provides Tip Sheets on a range of common concerns that may affect each of us or our loved ones. The clear and simple to read tip sheets cover symptoms, causes, assessment, treatment, and seeking help, and the types of help that can be beneficial.

The Tip Sheets can be found at

Topics include ADHD, anxiety, anger,  alcohol and other drugs, bullying, dementia, depression, gambling, grief, insomnia, obesity in children, panic disorder, parenting, phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), racism, relationships, refugees and asylum seekers, self- image in girls, stress, stress in the workplace, tragic events and community violence and trauma.

We provide confidential counselling, psychological interventions and support to clients dealing with a range of emotional and health concerns