Professional Development for Health Workers

HeadwayHealth provides education and training to health professionals on a range of topics. Topics have included assessment and communication skills, providing psychological interventions to patients and their families, making an effective referral, self-care/looking after ourselves, and addressing intimacy in the health care setting. HeadwayHealth can develop and facilitate programs on a range of topics to address your educational needs.

Dr Katharine Hodgkinson provides annual lectures to Clinical Psychology Masters program at the University of Technology, Sydney, and graduate medical student program through the Sydney Adventist Hospital Clinical School. We also present regular in-services to staff on the Oncology Ward and at the Day Infusion service at Sydney Adventist Hospital.  Katharine was an invited to present in Adelaide in 2016 at the Australian Psychological Association’s South Australian Clinical College Seminar Program to colleagues on adapting our clinical skills to working with those affected by a cancer diagnosis. In the same year she was also invited to present on “Offering interventions to assist with the emotional impact of cancer” at the Ausmed Cancer and Women Nursing Conference in Sydney.


Clinical Presentations to Health Care Workers

Encouraging psycho-oncology referrals in your clinic | 5 min : Dr. Katharine Hodgkinson

Hodgkinson K. 2021. Strategies to support the emotional care of our cancer patients and their families. 1.5 hour Seminar to Cancer Support Professionals, Sydney Adventist Hospital Wahroonga.

Braude L. 2019. Psychological Interventions in weight management and obesity. College of Clinical Psychologists, Australian Psychological Society. Sydney.

Medd J. 2019. Impact of cancer on sexual functioning. NSW Cancer Institute Conference, Sydney.

Hodgkinson K. Medd J. 2019. Sex talk: facilitating communication about desire in couples and singles after cancer. Cancer Survivorship Conference, COSA Clinical Oncology Society of Australia (COSA), Sydney.

Hodgkinson K. 2019. Managing fears of cancer recurrence: ConquerFear. Staff in-service, Northern Cancer Institute, St Leonards and Frenchs Forest, NSW.


Recent Funding for Professional Development for Health Workers to Support Patient Care

Hodgkinson K, 2018. Lead Site Investigator, Sydney Adventist Hospital. The ADAPT Program to support the management of anxiety and depression in cancer patients: a cluster randomised trial to compare different implementation strategies of the Clinical Pathway for Screening, Assessment and Management of Anxiety and Depression in Adult Cancer Patients. Supported by The Sydney Adventist Hospital Foundation, SAH Wahroonga.

Boyle F, O-Reilly M, Hodgkinson K, 2019. The provision of training and education to oncology staff on the assessment and provision of psychological support to assist wellbeing and manage psychological distress in patients. Supported by The Friends of the Mater Hospital, North Sydney.

Hodgkinson K. 2021. Supporting melanoma patients: a cause for optimism.  Invited speaker, Australasian Melanoma Conference

Supportive Care, Survivorship and Health Economics Session, Sydney.

Hodgkinson K. 2023. Contributing To The Team Care of Those With Life Limiting Illness. Palliative care nursing and allied health, Northern Area Sydney.


We really like to meet with fellow health professionals and our referrers, and welcome the opportunity to come to meet with you and your team.

To discuss your needs further please contact HeadwayHealth.