Dr. Hodgkinson and colleagues developed two empirically validated tools to assess unmet supportive care needs in cancer survivors and partners, the Cancer Survivors’ Unmet Needs Measure (CaSUN) or Cancer Survivors Partners Unmet Needs Measure (CaSPUN). The measures are being used in research studies and care centres internationally and have been cited in numerous published research studies. Please contact Dr Hodgkinson for permission to use the measures.
Enquiries have been received to translate the measures into Portuguese, Swedish, Korean, Dutch, Thai, Chinese, Indian, Greek and Icelandic languages. Permission has been granted to use the measures in research studies and clinical care in Holland, Canada, America, Australia, Taiwan, England, Wales, Ireland, Singapore, India, France, South Korea and Hong Kong.
The measures can be used in both clinical and research settings:
Manual for the CASUN and CaSPUN questionnaires
For author permission for use, please contact Dr. Hodgkinson at HeadwayHealth. Please contact the author to seek permission to use these measures.
HeadwayHealth is keen for ongoing involvement in research activitities. Dr. Hodgkinson’s recent involvements include consultation in: Multiple perspectives on sexuality and Intimacy post‑cancer, leading to the development and evaluation of supportive interventions, 2009-10. Ussher J, Perz J, Gilbert E, Batt G, Sundquist K, Wain G, Kirsten L, Hobbs K. University of Western Sydney; and Provision of Fidelity Rating for Therapist Compliance with Treatment Manual – In: The efficacy of an intervention for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among illicit drug users, 2009-10. Teesson M, Mills K, Sannibale C. ND&ARC.