Managing your costs of accessing care and psychology services under Medicare

By : on : 13/11/2024 comments : (Comments Off on Managing your costs of accessing care and psychology services under Medicare)

We all know that the “financial toxicity” of cancer is significant both in terms of direct ‘out of pocket’ costs of treatments and medications, as well as lost income and/or the cost of outsourcing tasks we may not be able to do ourselves.  There is help!  The NSW Cancer Council have launched their Financial Navigation Service to provide tailored guidance and help patients navigate this area of their care – see: Fact sheet: CCNSW’s Financial Navigation Service

It’s worth reviewing at different points across your care your financial options, and if you haven’t done so, you could scan through the NSW Cancer Council booklet: Cancer and Your Finances | Cancer Council NSW, and/or consider connecting with a hospital social worker to check if there are any additional options for your particular situation or for a carer.  It may also be helpful to review the Cancer, Work and You | Cancer Council NSW booklet if your work has been impacted.

In regarding to managing the cost of accessing our psychologists, there are two main routes for assistance under Medicare.  Psychologists may be able to provide a course of evidence-based psychological interventions each calendar year (January – December) under a GP Mental Health Plan (MHTP) and/or a Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plan (see below). Under a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP), Medicare provides rebates for up to 10 appointments (a 6 + 4 course of appointments) per year if you are eligible for a MHTP and referral letter. Talk to your General Practitioners about whether you meet criteria for access as a result of experiencing symptoms or  common concerns such as adjustment disorder, anxiety, depression or a number of other mental health diagnoses.  When you are booking your appointment, you may wish to ask your GP’s receptionist if a longer appointment is needed to discuss this with your GP.  Psychology services can be provided in-person, or via videolink or telephone. 

If you are living with a chronic health conditions (such as cancer, stroke, or diabetes) and require a team of health professionals, please ask your GP if you are eligible for 5 allied health appointments under a Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plan with an individual practitioner and/ or combination (such as psychologist, dietitian, physiotherapist, or occupational therapist).

The increased cost of living pressures is impacting every area of our lives and it important to understand the Medicare SafteyNet as the year progresses and more of us will reach our SafetyNet threshold which runs from January to December each year.  Once over the threshold, out of pocket fees are significantly lower, for example, when accessing psychology care under a GP Mental Health Care Plan, once you have reached your SafetyNet your out-of-pocket costs may reduce to around $30 per appointment which can make a significant difference.  

Many private practitioners charge out-of-pocket fees and we are a private billing service at HeadwayHealth with a number of different fee options so it is helpful to understand your Medicare SafetyNet as well as your private health insurance entitlements, alternatively you may choose to privately fund your health care services.  There are also other options for accessing emotional support if you haven’t reached the SafetyNet or the gap in costs is a barrier for you, and we can talk to you about these and you can review our list of Helpline numbers.  If you are not aware if you  have reached your SafetyNet, you can see how close you are on your Medicare App by clicking on SafteyNet on the bottom of the home screen; we encourage you to check all eligible members of your family who live at home are listed together to help you reach it sooner!

Please also talk to your pharmacist about medication costs as they should be able to advise you on your total annual expenditure to date, your medication PBS threshold, and how to best track these if you use several pharmacies. 

For further information on the above please contact us – we are here to help and we will do our best to discuss the various options (and complexities!): (02) 9453 3027 or [email protected], or you can call Medicare on 132 011.  



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