by HeadWayHealth | Feb 24, 2020 | HeadWayHealth
At the invitation of the Avner Pancreatic Cancer Foundation, Dr Katharine Hodgkinson recently attended the launch of a roadmap by Dr Greg Hunt Minster for Health and Hon Chris Bowen Shadow Minister for Health for improving pancreatic cancer survival. Pancreatic cancer...
by HeadWayHealth | Dec 17, 2019 | HeadWayHealth
Dr Katharine Hodgkinson was delighted to be invited to the launch of a collaboration between the Northern Sydney Local Health District and Avner Foundation held on 3rd December at the Collings Institute, St Leonards. The collaboration aims to improve research and...
by HeadWayHealth | Aug 15, 2019 | HeadWayHealth
The San Cancer Support Centre is introducing Pancreatic Cancer Support as a pilot program. Dr Katharine Hodgkinson will be speaking at the first session on Tuesday 10th September at 10.30am on the topic: Managing the Cancer Roller Coaster. Jenny Arena, Nurse...