We are living in a time of change and uncertainty associated with our world health situation. These are tough times and we need to all support each other as well as the children in our lives. Whether they are our kids, our nieces and nephews, or other precious children around us.  Our kids are often pretty astute – even very young children maybe be picking up on changes in daily routines and understanding that life is pretty different at the moment.  The internet has even provided some laughs with perplexed animals now having to tolerate having their owners home all day! 

As carers, we are processing high information loads with daily changes and assessing what this means for us all.  We want to protect and help our kids but may also be unsure of best ways to communicate, how much information to share, what information to share in what detail and when.  

Luckily there are some good suggestions from reputable sources that we can guide our conversations and responses.  As advice is generic, we can use tips as a starting point for discussing our approach with other adults or talking over our ideas with our health care teams or Psychologist.  ParentLine is also available. It is a free service: 1300 130 052. 

We know our kids well –  every 7 year old is unique, and every 14 year old is unique, and as parents we are best placed to work out how to modify generic suggestions for our own children and situations.  

We hope the information resources validate that you are on track and will help your confidence with supporting the children and young adults in your life.  Please feel free to share these short resources from the British Psychological Society and Reading University.

Take care of yourselves, from the team at Headway Health.