HeadwayHealth collects new and pre-loved bras for the charity Uplift to distribute to women in disadvantaged communities for whom a bra is unobtainable or simply unaffordable.

Uplift’s website www.upliftbras.org identifies the many benefits for women in regard to their health as well as functioning in their social, work and business lives. Bras help with comfort, mobility when cooking and gardening at ground level, reducing the risk of skin infections in humid climates, and help with dignity for nursing mums. 

Uplift’s website details many desperately needed items including nursing bras and reusable pads, new underpants, mastectomy bras, breast forms (prostheses) and swimwear; financial donations to Uplift can also assist with freight costs. 

With the support of Intimo and Rotary, Uplift has sent over a million bras to women in communities who have sought help including Fiji, PNG, Cook Islands, Tonga, Philippines, Bali, and Cambodia, as well as more locally in the Northern Territory and the Kimberley regions of Australia.

If you have any of the above items that you no longer need, they can do so much to help other women. Items can be dropped in the Donations Box at Headway Health’s rooms at French Forest for delivery to an Uplift collection point.